backend development

backend development
This certificate is given to those who successfully complete the clarusway backend development course. Students participated in more than 120 hours of live lectures, workshops and office hours in this course. They have come from a beginner to an intermediate level backend developer. They completed 5 middle/high level projects in the course and learned the basic concepts of backend such as Databases, ORM, Restfull API etc..
backendThe backend is the part of a website or application that operates behind the scenes and is not visible to users. It is responsible for managing the server, database, and application logic. Backend development involves using server-side languages like Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, and frameworks like Node.js, Django, or Flask to handle data processing, storage, and communication with the frontend. The backend ensures that the application runs smoothly, processes user requests, retrieves information from the database, and sends the appropriate responses to the frontend.