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frontend developer

frontend developer

frontend developer

Credential Description This certificate is given to students who successfully graduated from the Clarusway Frontend developer course after 4 months of intensive work. During the Module, our student completed 3 courses and Capstone Project Period. Frontend Module: In this module, the attendants were taught Frontend skills and tools by taking a total of 240 hours of actual live lessons, 12 projects, and 1 capstone project, 240 hours of practice, on the most demanding technologies as: - Design complete web applications and websites - Use HTML&CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, and other styling UI libraries to style their websites and applications - Develop web applications and websites with Javascript and deploy these apps and sites to popular servers - Develop web applications with ReactJS and deploy these apps to popular servers - Handle and ensure accessibility and security compliance such as user authentication and access control for an application working online - Use version control systems, such as Git integrated with Github Students who successfully graduated from this module completed middle-level and capstone projects. They carried out these projects both individually and as a team member. They also successfully completed many challenging code challenges and assignments in that process. They completed 240+ hours of supervised pre-class and post-class activities. During this course, students used many tools and methods such as: Clarusway LMS (Learning Management System), Mentoring (Group & 1on1), Workshops, Teamworks, Kahoot, Flipgrid, Peardeck, Zoom, Slack, etc. as well as the skills specified in the certificate. Frontend Module prepares individuals for intermediate-level jobs such as: - Front-end Developer - Web Developer - Javascript Developer - React Developer - Web Designer


frontendThe frontend is the part of a website or application that users interact with directly. It includes everything that users see and experience, such as the design, layout, buttons, text, images, and other elements. Frontend development involves using languages and technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create and enhance the user interface and ensure it is visually appealing, functional, and responsive across different devices and browsers.



HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create and structure content on the web. It forms the backbone of web pages b...
